
WithourYouTube-extensionyouhave85+useful,uniquefeatures.TomakeyourexperienceonYouTubeawholelotbetter&saveyoualotofclicks&time.,2022年6月26日—BetterYoutubeextendstheYoutubeGamingLivestreamChatwithmanydifferentfeaturesthatmakegeneralusemoreattractive!,2024年4月8日—TakebackthecontrolsonYouTubeShortswithplayback,volume,progressbarandmore!⏭️ControlyourYouTubeShortsjustlikeanormal ...,'Impro...

'Improve YouTube!' ???? (for YouTube & Videos)

With our YouTube-extension you have 85+ useful, unique features . To make your experience on YouTube a whole lot better & save you a lot of clicks & time.

Better YouTube

2022年6月26日 — Better Youtube extends the Youtube Gaming Livestream Chat with many different features that make general use more attractive!

Better YouTube Shorts

2024年4月8日 — Take back the controls on YouTube Shorts with playback, volume, progress bar and more! ⏭️ Control your YouTube Shorts just like a normal ...

'Improve YouTube!' (for YouTube & Videos)

'Improve YouTube!' (for YouTube & Videos).